December 2024

Strategic Planning Strategies: The Essential Elements and Why They Matter

A well-crafted strategic plan is more than just a roadmap—it’s a vital resource for guiding an organization’s progress and ensuring decisions align with long-term goals and community values.  For any organization, the strategic planning process provides an opportunity to understand the community’s unique needs and build a shared vision for success. A comprehensive strategic plan enables an organization to make informed, grounded decisions even amid challenges and ensures continuity during growth. In this blog, we explore the essential components of a successful strategic plan, which include research, visioning, action steps, goal alignment, and more. With this foundation at the ...

December 23rd, 2024|Leadership, Strategic Planning|

Stoic Leadership Principles for Professional Growth

As a leader in the public sector, the start of a new year is a chance to reflect, realign with your values, and prepare for the challenges ahead. Leadership often comes with complexities—balancing decision-making, your impact on others, and personal growth can feel overwhelming at times. While no single philosophy has all the answers, aspects of Stoic philosophy can provide helpful tools for navigating these challenges. Rooted in ancient Greece, Stoicism focuses on living a virtuous, rational, and self-disciplined life. For modern leaders, its ideas can serve as a guide to critical decision-making, building resilience, and fostering meaningful change ...

December 12th, 2024|Communication, Leadership|