May 2024

Best Practices and Strategies for Schools to Combat Deep Fakes

“Uh, Dad? I think you should see this,” my 13-year-old son said carefully as he handed me his cell phone. “It’s your Twitter account, but it’s not actually YOUR Twitter account,” he went to say. As a school superintendent in Ohio, I was an early adopter of Twitter. I was disturbed by the negative narrative about public education when, in fact, every day, I was witnessing incredible teaching, innovative approaches to instruction, committed community involvement, caring administrators, and dedicated coaches and advisors who were positively changing students’ lives. I wanted to share those stories, and social media seemed like a ...

May 21st, 2024|Crisis Communications|

Mastering The Art of The Presentation: Orchestrate Your Way To Success

In the realm of presentations, the difference between captivating your audience or losing their attention often lies in the orchestration of your delivery. Much like a symphony conductor commands the attention of an orchestra, a skilled presenter can captivate their audience by orchestrating a seamless blend of content, body language, and interaction. However, hitting the right notes in your presentation is no small feat, especially if you don’t follow the right preparatory steps. Let’s dive into the key elements of crafting an unforgettable presentation that leaves your audience engaged. First thing’s first: Define your objective Every presentation needs to have ...

May 8th, 2024|Leadership, Professional Development Training|