October 2024
College of Coastal Georgia Professor Finds Gratitude with Appreciology
At The Impact Group, we are passionate about fostering growth and success through the simple yet profound practice of gratitude. Dr. Melissa Trussell, Associate Professor of Economics at the College of Coastal Georgia, recently wrote an article for The Brunswick News that vividly illustrates this concept, inspired by a session with Impact Group Partner and co-author of “Appreciology: The Art & Science of Appreciation,” Tom Speaks. In his visit to the college, Tom shared valuable insights from "Appreciology," with department staff demonstrating how conscious appreciation can lead to meaningful transformations in our personal and professional lives. Check out her ...
The Impact of a Gratitude Journal: Rewiring Your Brain for Positivity
In today's fast-paced world, it's easy to get caught up in what's missing, what needs improvement, or what lies ahead. But what if the key to improving not only your mental well-being but also your leadership impact was as simple as focusing on what you already have? This shift in mindset can be achieved through the practice of keeping a gratitude journal, a powerful tool that can rewire your brain to find joy in the present and increase your overall appreciation of life. In a recent webinar hosted by The Impact Group’s Founder Tom Speaks, co-author of Appreciology, and Partner ...
Making an IMPACT: October 2024
As autumn ushers in times of change, we are reminded of the importance of gratitude in our roles as leaders. What are you grateful for? It doesn't have to be a big thing - because sometimes it's the little things that matter most - like a warm meal or laughter after a long day. And, how are you bringing that appreciation into your work? Appreciation doesn't just help grow a positive mindset; it impacts your leadership mindset and, with an intentional framework, can improve your workplace culture. We hope you enjoy the latest edition of Making an Impact and ...