May 2018
Communication in the Age of Shortened Attention Spans
At any given moment, people are connected to the Internet, social media and their cell phones. This on-the-go society has greatly impacted our ability to complete a very simple task: pay attention. It's no secret: we're living in the digital age. According to a Microsoft Corp. study, the average person now loses concentration after eight seconds—one second shorter than a gold fish. Prior to 2000—the year that's considered the start of the mobile age—our attention span was 12 seconds. What accounts for this four-second deficit in our mental capacity? The easy answer: technology, social media and a drastic transformation in our ...
10 Ways to Close your Emails that Guarantee a Prompt Response
When writing a business email, it is critical to make sure you structure the email in a professional way. From choosing the right recipient to having a clean body, a tidy email is paramount to effective communication. The average worker spends around 28% of their time on email each day, and each workday around 144 billion emails are sent worldwide. When writing an email to a coworker, boss or client, it’s important to make everything clean and to the point so you aren’t wasting anyone’s time—we all have hundreds of emails to sort through! Signing off properly in an email can ...