
College of Coastal Georgia Professor Finds Gratitude with Appreciology

At The Impact Group, we are passionate about fostering growth and success through the simple yet profound practice of gratitude. Dr. Melissa Trussell, Associate Professor of Economics at the College of Coastal Georgia, recently wrote an article for The Brunswick News that vividly illustrates this concept, inspired by a session with Impact Group Partner and co-author of “Appreciology: The Art & Science of Appreciation,” Tom Speaks. In his visit to the college, Tom shared valuable insights from "Appreciology," with department staff demonstrating how conscious appreciation can lead to meaningful transformations in our personal and professional lives. Check out her ...

October 21st, 2024|Appreciology|

The Impact of a Gratitude Journal: Rewiring Your Brain for Positivity

In today's fast-paced world, it's easy to get caught up in what's missing, what needs improvement, or what lies ahead. But what if the key to improving not only your mental well-being but also your leadership impact was as simple as focusing on what you already have?  This shift in mindset can be achieved through the practice of keeping a gratitude journal, a powerful tool that can rewire your brain to find joy in the present and increase your overall appreciation of life.  In a recent webinar hosted by The Impact Group’s Founder Tom Speaks, co-author of Appreciology, and Partner ...

October 4th, 2024|Appreciology, Communication, Digital Leadership Academy|

Why is appreciation important in the workplace?

In our latest Digital Leadership Academy webinar, we explored the importance of appreciology within an organization or team. Why is appreciation so needed – and often so neglected – as a leadership skill? Let’s dive into the insights shared, including how to intentionally cultivate appreciology from the top-down, so your organization can thrive. Why One-Size-Fits-All Appreciation Falls Short Imagine this scenario: Lauren walks into work on her 40th birthday and finds a coffee mug emblazoned with the company’s logo and a small note inside. The mug is from her manager, acknowledging her birthday. Realizing she received the same gift on ...

Appreciating the Often Unnoticed

Creating a Culture of Appreciation in Your Workplace Have you heard of the “Magic Coffee Table”? A woman comes home from work, and the man asks her if she is going to make dinner tonight. Frustrated, the woman says she can’t always do everything for him! The man assures her that everything will be OK, he has something to show her. He gestures to a laundry basket and says “I don’t know how it happens, but any dirty clothes you put in this basket end up clean and folded in a pile on your bed.” The woman turns to him ...

November 14th, 2023|Appreciology, Culture, Leadership, Professional Development Training|

Moral Purpose: Understanding Why You Do What You Do

We’ve all heard someone say, “It took me forever to finish this,” or “I worked overtime last night.” We often share details about what we’ve done, but we rarely talk about the meaning. The first step to understanding the meaning behind your work is to define your moral purpose. A moral purpose is defined as “a value that, when articulated, appeals to the innate sense held by some individuals of what is right and what is worthwhile.” Increasingly for younger generations of people, it’s essential to have a moral purpose in the workplace. Why do you do what you do? ...

December 19th, 2018|Appreciology, Culture, Leadership, Professional Development Training|

The Ultimate Metaphor for Personal Growth: The Bamboo Tree

Do you have a goal set for yourself, but others cannot see it? Do you have something that matters to you, but others cannot comprehend its depth? Are you striving for something, but aren’t seeing results? If you answered “YES” to any of these questions, you are likely striving to forge a path for personal growth – and you’re not alone. The personal development industry generates over $1 billion in annual revenue and has grown in sales every year since 2008. Although the foundations of developing your goals may seem like common sense, not everyone knows how to make constructive ...

November 27th, 2018|Appreciology, Culture, Leadership, Professional Development Training|
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